Documents, Forms & Links

If you are looking for photos from past IBA events, please go to the AAPG Public Graphics Server.

Practice Datasets

Once software is downloaded and installed, you can start learning to use it before the competition. If you are in need of a practice dataset, here are a few options:

  • Check with your advisor to see if any datasets have been stored from past competitions.
  • Some vendors offer datasets to help learn their software. Check the individual software pages to find whether your vendor provides any additional resources.
  • Purchase a Stratton Field dataset from the Texas BEG, complete with 3D seismic and well logs, for only $40 USD.
  • Or check the MTU seismic data directory for additional datasets for purchase.
Questions? Email for help!

Petroleum Exploration Overview: An IBA Preparation Course by Fred Schroeder

Dr. Fred Schroeder, a geoscientist with 40 years of energy industry experience, has provided an IBA preparation short course to this year’s competing teams. Keep in mind that this is just an example; CREATIVITY is an important aspect of all IBA presentations. Your team will need to analyze the IBA data provided, obtain additional outside references (as within the constraints set forth in the IBA rules), develop a plan to obtain your objectives, and implement your plan. The final lecture in the short course series illustrates how everything might come together in a final presentation.

Petroleum Exploration Overview, Part 2

An IBA Preparation Course by Fred Schroeder


Dr. Fred Schroeder, a geoscientist with 40 years of energy industry experience, has provided an IBA preparation short course to this year’s competing teams. Keep in mind that this is just an example; CREATIVITY is an important aspect of all IBA presentations. Your team will need to analyze the IBA data provided, obtain additional outside references (as within the constraints set forth in the IBA rules), develop a plan to obtain your objectives, and implement your plan. The final lecture in the short course series illustrates how everything might come together in a final presentation.

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