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Eotvos Lorand University

SemiFinals 1st Place

Royal Holloway University of London

SemiFinals 2nd Place

Vrije "Free" University Amsterdam

SemiFinals 3rd Place

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
Europe Region - Poland

Delft University of Technology
Europe Region - Netherlands (Holland)

SemiFinals 1st Place Eotvos Lorand University
Europe Region - Hungary

Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP)
Europe Region - France

Moscow State University
Europe Region - Russia

SemiFinals 2nd Place Royal Holloway University of London
Europe Region - England (U.K.)

Skolkovo Institute of Science & Technology
Europe Region - Russia

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Europe Region - Ukraine

Uni LaSalle - Terre et Sciences
Europe Region - France

University College Dublin School of Earth Sciences
Europe Region - Ireland

University College Dublin School of Earth Sciences
Europe Region - Ireland

University of Geneva
Europe Region - Switzerland

University of Leoben
Europe Region - Austria

University of Miskolc
Europe Region - Hungary

University of Stavanger
Europe Region - Norway

University of Stavanger
Europe Region - Norway

University of Stavanger
Europe Region - Norway

Utrecht University
Europe Region - Netherlands (Holland)

SemiFinals 3rd Place Vrije "Free" University Amsterdam
Europe Region - Netherlands (Holland)