SemiFinals 1st Place
SemiFinals 2nd Place
SemiFinals 3rd Place
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan Europe Region - Poland
Delft University of Technology Europe Region - Netherlands (Holland)
SemiFinals 1st Place Eotvos Lorand University Europe Region - Hungary
Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP) Europe Region - France
Moscow State University Europe Region - Russia
SemiFinals 2nd Place Royal Holloway University of London Europe Region - England (U.K.)
Skolkovo Institute of Science & Technology Europe Region - Russia
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Europe Region - Ukraine
Uni LaSalle - Terre et Sciences Europe Region - France
University College Dublin School of Earth Sciences Europe Region - Ireland
University of Geneva Europe Region - Switzerland
University of Leoben Europe Region - Austria
University of Miskolc Europe Region - Hungary
University of Stavanger Europe Region - Norway
Utrecht University Europe Region - Netherlands (Holland)
SemiFinals 3rd Place Vrije "Free" University Amsterdam Europe Region - Netherlands (Holland)